
Wood Stain screen prints: Process pics

The Friends with Benefits show, held at the Distillery Gallery in South Boston this past May, was a really exciting show for me. I wasn’t sure what I was going to create for the show, but had been making a conscious effort to create everyday for the first half of 2012. I had a lot of sketches and ideas, and started to lean further and further towards doing some portrait style work. I thought about doing some 18×24 prints on paper, similar to the ones I made for the DPI show, but wanted to do something different.

After a random trip to the art store I came across these wood panels that caught my interest. The depth of the box was the same as some prints I had made for a commercial job, and decided I’d go for it. I wanted to create something that somehow brought out the grains of the wood and decided to experiment with wood stain instead of ink. It certainly wasn’t easy, but the end result was great and I’m looking forward to revisiting this process on future work. [Note: The purple color variations are regular acrylic ink]